Spirits of the Forest
Released on the Tonheim Records label, award winning Norwegian/American composer Ivar Lunde, Jr., a former principal oboist of the Norwegian National Opera Orchestra, Conductor, University Professor and producer of video and audio is releasing a CD of early and late compositions. This is his 8th album solely dedicated to his compositions. Many additional works have been released on composite CDs.
New Music Coming Soon — 3/29/2023 Released 2023
Tonheim Records

Album tracks

  • 1
    Spirits of the Forest (clip)
    Ivar Lunde, Jr., Peter Phippen & Skyline Studios Orchestra
  • 2
    Visjon (clip)
    Ivar Lunde, Jr.
  • 3
    Serenade for Strings-Why Not? (clip)
    Ivar Lunde, Jr. & Skyline Studios Orchestra
  • 4
    Serenade for Strings-Peace (clip)
    Ivar Lunde, Jr. & Skyline Studios Orchestra
  • 5
    Serenade for Strings-Scherzo (clip)
    Ivar Lunde, Jr. & Skyline Studios Orchestra
  • 6
    Serenade for Strings-Slow Dance? (clip)
    Ivar Lunde, Jr., Tulio Rondón & Skyline Studios Orchestra
  • 7
    Serenade for Strings-Finale (clip)
    Ivar Lunde, Jr. & Skyline Studios Orchestra
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